Proper communication can help making your organizational change a success
In the video I explain how
How to make organisational change work
By following the HexaComm©: communication in six simple steps including three crucial criteria
At Marynissen & Associates Communications, we’ve helped our clients for more than 10 years in using communications as an effective tool in managing organisational change.
Based on these experiences, I have developed a simple, but powerful, approach – HexaComm© – that helps leaders and managers communicate successfully about the change project. The HexaComm© model defines 6 steps in the change communication process to ensure that things go right. Following this model – and focusing on 3 crucial, but often overlooked, criteria – has allowed our clients to make successful organisational changes.
This e-book teaches you all about the HexaComm©, including the 6 steps and the 3 key criteria. Most companies do 3 or 4 steps (partially) right, but rarely all 6. So, drawing on my experience with several companies I’ve worked with, I have selected a case for each step, together with an example of how we help our clients avoid pitfalls, save time, and create the right impact.